Noteworthy draw in the match of the browser strategy game Call of War ! (Review Part III)
Noteworthy draw in Call of War
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Here is the final report of the test match of Call of War, where the game history was reported until day 30 so far.
Day 31: Entry to the War
After Algeria had been completely overwhelmed by the allies of Greater Romania and Turkey, and they also invaded neutral Spain, in order to gain easy access to our key position – Gibraltar and Portugal – we decided to strike as the first one, as we were still neutral.
To this end, we are using the refueling of the around 50 Turkish tactical bombers in Fez, from where they flew their attacks against southern Spain. After our reconnaissance bomber (following screenshot: blue naval bomber, on the return flight to Gibraltar) determined the landing of the Turkish bombers, we attacked with our revolving nuclear bomber, launched from Faro in Southern Portugal. Practically the entire Turkish tactical air force had ceased to exist.
Shortly thereafter, we let another nuclear bomber successfully attack the Turkish artillery group in southern Spain. This was also achieved completely and at the same time, the close Turkish tanks, advancing on Granada, were also affected in the atomic bomb radius of about 50 km (30 miles).
Day 34: Strait of Gibraltar under control
On this day, we tried to repeat our successes from the beginning of the war with attacks from further nuclear bombers on the Romanian troops, which protected the captured Algerian nuclear reactor at Algiers. Since in cities with atomic reactors nuclear bombers could be produced, as well as after day 40 nuclear missiles rockets and nuclear-powered warships, its destruction was important to us.
However, as a newcomer in Call of War, we had to realize that nuclear bombers are completely useless against all targets with adequate anti-aircraft firepower.
Our nuclear bomber (on the following screenshot in white) was escorted by fighters (patrolling north of it), a strategic bomber flew reconnaissance (green, right at Bougie where the nuclear reactor is located) and reached the target for sure, but was destroyed by the AA-fire of 11 ground units, which actually did not have exceptional anti-aircraft power.
This was repeated on one or two subsequent occasions, so that nuclear bombs are really only suitable for attack on poorly defended industrial complexes or airfields.
However, these opportunities are too rare in contrast to the opposing efforts to develop nuclear bombers (in addition, advanced strategic bombers have to be developed, which are also only useful in a few cases up to the time of reconnaissance) and their production price. We had only succeeded with our surprise attack at the beginning of the war!
Day 40: Naval battle at Porta Delgadia
Since we can not defend ourselves against the conventional rockets that can not be intercepted, we were forced now to evacuate Gibraltar, Tangier, and Portugal, and take back our line of defense on the Atlantic; leaning against the islands of Porta Delgadia and Hamilton Island.
By our retreat, the enemy now thought he had an easy game and immediately followed with his fleet. Since he did not have any aircraft carriers, on the one hand there was no air cover against our naval bombers and to search for our submarines, which would only be possible with naval bombers.
At the other hand, we had air reconnaissance and were, therefore, oriented on all the movements of the enemy fleet and could let them run into a trap of submarines and naval bombers. Since air defense of combined fleets of cruisers, battleships and destroyers, which the opponent had, was quite effective and the use of more than 6 units of a single type resulted for high losses, our naval bombers had heavy losses, but the Romanian fleet was retreating quickly.
Day 53: Only three players left
After the naval battle of Porta Delgadia, we built an Atlantic defense and reconnaissance chain with naval bombers from our aircraft carriers and islands as well as submarines and began the rapid development of nuclear rockets and conventional long-range missiles. That we didn’t have the second one earlier was the reason we had to evacuate our positions at Gibraltar; as well as from Porta Delgadia, since the latter island could also be reached from Portugal.
The powerful allies now changed their tactics and kicked out Tsarists Russia – the remaining fourth player – of the game. Here we used our last nuclear bombers from Russian airfields to attack unprotected cities on the Baltic coast, where they could still achieve some success against undefended industrial facilities.
The Russian was ultimately defeated within a day, so we were still standing alone against the powerful allies in this match. Since a lot of points are necessary for the victory in Call of War, they now only had the choice to conquer America or to attack each other!
Through our slow retreat of the lines of defense, however, we were able to develop all the appropriate ‘defense materials’ in the meantime, and to produce them in sufficient quantities, so we were already anxious to see how our defensive tactics would prove themselves – despite outnumbered now by 1:4!
Day 61: Enemy invasion in the far north
By day 61, the opponents decided to invade the northern part of the American continent, which was difficult to defend, with its numerous cliffs and islands, instead of striking across the islands of the Central Atlantic or into the Caribbean.
However, before they were able to launch long-range missiles or even a nuclear rocket from Saint John (Newfoundland), we have neutralized the base with a continuing missile fire from Halifax and with the help of our still existing strategic bombers.
On the same day, our naval bombers and fighter planes succeeded in smashing a hostile troop convoy on the way to Halifax south of Saint John.
Day 62: Nuclear attack on fleet
The next day, our strategic bombers – at best useful as reconnaissance planes – discovered a combined enemy fleet formation with ground troops, which was also likely to land in Halifax. In the meantime, we had moved the first nuclear rocket to Halifax by land transport and launched it against the immobile, still waiting ship’s location. This was considerably affected, and destroyed the mass of invading troops which were especially sensitive at sea.
The opponent had apparently not expected the presence of nuclear missiles in the north of the American continent, otherwise the fleet deployment would not have remained stationary within the range of our missiles.
Day 63: A decisive blow
By Day 64, we had even been able to transport two nuclear missiles to Halifax. Once again, a stationary fleet with invasion troops was in almost the same position as his unfortunate comrades on the previous day. Two nuclear missiles rockets fired at a time in succession, and some conventional long-range missiles deployed for attacks against Saint John, left little more of the more than 100 units strong fleet. We also sent out 6 nuclear submarines to finish the rest.
However, before the nuclear submarines could reach the survivors, our opponents were able to offer an armistice and end the game as a draw (which is possible if a maximum of three players have been left in a game).
Even though the struggle was at its height, and was favorable for us, we could never so far compensate for the multiple, hostile material superiority to achieve a total victory with an offensive by ourselves.
So we went to the offer and finished the game, with the map revealed. At that moment still numerous, further fleets of the opponents were in front of the North American coast.
All in all, a really exciting and entertaining match came to an end – also thanks to the never-ending opponents!
Try to Play Call of War here:
Thanks for the write-up.