Diary September 9, 1944
WW2 War Diary for Saturday, September 9, 1944: Air War Europe: US and British bombers batter cities along the Rhine Âfrom Düsseldorf and Mönchen-Gladbach to Mannheim–Ludwigshafen.
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WW2 War Diary for Saturday, September 9, 1944: Air War Europe: US and British bombers batter cities along the Rhine Âfrom Düsseldorf and Mönchen-Gladbach to Mannheim–Ludwigshafen.
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WW2 War Diary for Friday, September 8, 1944: Air War Britain: Explosion in Chiswick (3 killed) and supersonic boom heard all over London, announces FIRST V-2 ROCKET ATTACK ON LONDON.
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War Diary of World War One for Tuesday, September 8, 1914: Western Front Marne: Struggle continues on the Ourcq; each side strives to outflank the other. As German corps begin
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WW2 War Diary for Friday, September 8, 1939: Poland Battle of Warsaw begins: 4th Panzer division reaches outskirts of city, having advanced 225 km in 7 days. Garrison commander, General
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WW2 War Diary for Thursday, September 7, 1944: Western Front British cross Albert Canal (Belgium) and take Ypres. US 3rd Army secures two bridgeheads over river Moselle.
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War Diary of World War One for Monday, September 7, 1914: Western Front Marne: Maunoury in great peril; Gallieni sends 6,000 reserves (brigade of 7th Division) and rushes them in
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WW2 War Diary for Thursday, September 7, 1939: Poland Surrender of Westerplatte, besieged since September 1. Old battleship Schleswig-Holstein begins daily bombardment of Hela, Polish naval base. Western Front French
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Fateful Choices Review: A World-Changing History Book? Fateful Choices Review: A World-Changing History Book? Looking for a captivating read about pivotal moments in world history? We’ve recently delved into “Fateful
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WW2 War Diary for Wednesday, September 6, 1944: Western Front Canadians besiege Calais.
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War Diary of World War One for Sunday, September 6, 1914: Western Front Marne: Kluck orders 2 of his 4 corps advancing southeast of Paris to force march to aid
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WW2 War Diary for Wednesday, September 6, 1939: Poland: Panzers take Tomaszow and Kielce, south-west of Warsaw and outflanking two Polish armies. Germans announce capture of Cracow. Hitler visits General
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WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, September 5, 1939: Poland Germans break through western frontier cordon of Polish armies and cross river Vistula. Polish High Command orders general retreat behind the
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War Diary of World War One for Saturday, September 5, 1914: Western Front France: FIRST BATTLE OF THE MARNE (until September 10) begins with the Battle of the Ourcq: Maunoury
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WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, September 5, 1944: Russian Front Russians reach Turnu Severin, south of Iron Gates gorge (river Danube). Hungarian 2nd Army attacks Romanian 4th Army. Diplomacy USSR
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War Diary of World War One for Friday, September 4, 1914: Western Front France: Gallieni begins to reinforce Maunoury northeast of Paris. Joffre, convinced by Gallieni telephone call, issues orders
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