YUGOSLAV ARMY CAPITULATES: Generals Bodi (Yugoslav) and Weichs (German) sign armistice in Belgrade. King Peter escapes from Kotor in RAF Sunderland flying boat.
Air War
Europe: 118 RAF bombers, including Stirlings, raid Berlin (night April 17-18), minor raids on Cologne and Rotterdam. 8 bombers lost.
Britain: Night raid on Portsmouth.
USA: Car production to be cut for military production by 1,000,000 from August 1, 1941.
Sea War
Atlantic: Disguised German raider Atlantis sinks Egyptian liner Zamzam (8,300 t.) and captures 312 passengers, including 138 Americans.
Yugoslav Campaign losses:
Dead | Missing | Wounded |
Yugoslav military | 343,712 | ? | ? | ? |
Yugoslav civilian in Belgrade alone | - | 17,000 | - | 20,000 |
German Wehrmacht | - | 151 | 15 | 392 |