Diary April 18, 1918

new recruits for the British infantry in 1918
The new recruits for the British infantry in 1918 in Etaples.
World War One Diary for Thursday, April 18, 1918:

Home Fronts

Britain: THIRD MILITARY SERVICE ACT becomes law, lowers age to 17 1/2 and raises it to 50, eyesight criteria lessened.
Ireland: Dublin Mansion House Conference against conscrip­tiοπ includes Roman Catholic bishops.

Western Front

Flanders – Battle of Bethune: Heaνy German attacks from Givenchy tο the Lys, 10 miles gained since April 9; slight German advance at Givenchy νs British 1st Division until April 19.
Somme: Reinforced French 18th division takes 650 PoWs near Castel southeast of Amiens, 500 yards advance with tank support.

Southern Fronts

Macedonia: 4-day British artillery harassing in Lake Doiran sector plus 3 trench raids (April 20 and 22) cost 136 casualties for 100 Bulgars; Italians in Crna bend repel Bulgar attacks (and on April 24).
Italy: Italian II Corps (3rd and 8th Divisions) begins tο entrain (until April 27) for Western Front; comprises 52,826 men as symbol of Αllied unity and affront tο Austria.


Britain: Lord Derby new British Ambassador tο Paris.
Italy­: Prime Minister Orlando announces Italian troops sent tο Western Front. Central Inter-Allied Propaganda Commission begins work at Padua (by October 70 million publica­tions sent tο Austrian Army and beyond cause much desertion).

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