Diary April 18, 1943

Captain T.G. Lanphier receives the Silver Star award
Captain T.G. Lanphier receives the Silver Star award by Brigadier-General Strother for shooting down the plane of Admiral Yamamoto. In the background his P-38 Lightning.
WW2 War Diary for Sunday, April 18, 1943:

Air War

Pacific: DEATH OF ADMIRAL YAMAMOTO, C-in-C Japanese Combined Fleet killed during flying visit to bases in southwest Pacific. P-38 Lightning fighters from Henderson Field intercept Admiral’s plane over Bougainville Island. Before his exact flight datas were intercepted by US code-breakers. Koga appointed C-in-C.
Mediterranean: 59 Ju 52 troop transports and 10 escort fighters shot down by Curtiss P-40 fighters of US 9th AAF off Cape Bon (6 P-40s and 3 escorting Spitfire fighters lost, 35 of the shot down Ju 52s are able to make emergency landings at the Tunisian coast).


USSR: Soviet Government alleges that German allegations of Soviet responsibility for Katyn massacre is Gestapo ‘frame-up’.
Germany: Turco-German Trade agreement signed.

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