Diary April 23, 1918

late sortie by the German High Seas Fleet
A late sortie by the German High Seas Fleet as the ‘Bayern’ class battleship on the right has a mainmast and all have landed their torpedo nets. The Germans successfully preserved the greater part of their battle fleet as a ‘fleet-in-being’, tying down the superior strength of the British.
World War One Diary for Tuesday, April 23, 1918:

Sea War

North Sea: LAST GERMAN HIGH SEAS FLEET SORTIE (until April 24). Vain bid from 0500 hours, initially undetected (Scheer eliminates radio traffic), to attack British Norwegian convoys (81 ships off Forth nowhere near Norwegian waters). Hipper finds nothing, sends back battlecruiser Moltke with engine trouble (40 miles southwest of Stavanger). Distress signal (April 24) alerts Room 40 and Grand Fleet’s 35 capital ships (including 4 US battleships) plus 111 cruisers and destroyers put to sea from Rosyth in record 1 1/2 hours. Battleship Oldenburg takes Moltke in tow but she is torpedoed by British submarine E42 on April 25 before she and whole fleet of 17 battleships re-enter harbour.

Western Front

Britain: Special Haig dispatch reports 102 German divisions engaged since March 21.
Somme­: Heavy German attacks at Albert and between Somme and Avre. US 1st Division enters line opposite Cantigny (west of Montdidier) between French IX and VI Corps.


Guatemala: Government declares war on Germany.
Austria: Hungarian Prime Minister Dr Werkerle says Emperor’s peace letter had German agreement.
Britain: Maj­or-General Tom Bridges military adviser to Lord Reading in USA.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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