Sea War
Atlantic: First ‘milch cow’ U-boat U-459 refuels 14 other U-boats at secret rendezvous 805 km northeast of Bermuda (April 23-May 5).
Air War
Britain – Baedeker Raids: Luftwaffe commences series of night reprisal raids on English cathedral cities (see March 28, 1942), allegedly selected from Baedeker Guidebook – Exeter, Bath, Norwich, York and Canterbury – 400 killed, Bath (April 25-26 and 26-27); station hit at York (April 28-29), Exeter (May 3-4) and Canterbury (May 31-June 1). Germans lose 40 aircraft.
Germany – first of 4 devastating RAF night raids on Rostock (April 23 to 26): 100,000 civilians (many panic-stricken) evacuated; Heinkel works badly hit.
Mediterranean – Malta raid casualties: 1,031 killed, 1,245 seriously injured since June 1940.
South Africa: Government breaks off diplomatic relations with Vichy.