Diary April 6, 1915

German artillerymen prepare to fire a howitzer
German artillerymen prepare to fire a Krupp-manufactured six-inch howitzer in the Carpathians.
Diary for Tuesday, April 6, 1915:

Eastern Front

East Prussia: Russians advance in Niemen border area and progress near Suvalki on April 9.
Carpathians: Marwitz’s Beskidenkorps counter-offensive with 2 divisions until April 8 claims 6,000 PoWs, storms Hill 992 (southwest of Kosziowa on April 9); all captors win Iron Cross.

Southern Fronts

Austrian CoS Conrad tells German CoS Falkenhayn war with Italy inevitable, but not allowed transferring 7 divisions from Galicia.
Serbia: Serb guns silence Austrian bombardment of Belgrade, but monitor repeats on April 10.

Sea War

Aegean: Allied battleships shell Smyrna (and on April 22).


Greek note to Bulgaria and latter’s note to Serbia on Komit­adji irregular outrages.

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