Diary August 13, 1943

He 111 releasing an 765kg torpedo
A Heinkel He 111 releasing an 765kg torpedo. The bomber was capable to carrying two of these weapons, each with a 440lb warhead and and effective running range of about 1,000 yd.
WW2 War Diary for Friday, August 13, 1943:

Sea War

Mediterranean: Convoy MKS.21 attacked by He 111 torpedo planes of KG 26. Germans claim devastating results, but only 2 ships actually damaged.
Arctic: U-boat group Dachs (‘Badger’) lays mines in Kara Sea. (U-639 lost, August 28.)

Eastern Front

Central Sector: Left wing of ‘Kalinin Front’ attack northeast of Smolensk.

Air War

Germany: B-24 Liberator bombers from North African bases carry out surprise attack on Messerschmitt works at Wiener Neustadt – first Allied attack on Austrian target.
Pacific: B-24 Liberators raid Balikpapan oil installations (Borneo).


Sicily: British troops capture Randazzo, vital road junction, southwest of Messina.

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