Diary August 16, 1917

Wilhelm Groener
Lieutenant-General Wilhelm Groener (1867-1939) was highly gifted and also politically open-minded, but could not prevail against the rigid attitude in Germany. He will play an important role in the Weimar Republic.
World War One Diary for Thursday, August 16, 1917:

Home Fronts

Germany: OHL remove General Groener from War Office (to 33rd Division at Verdun), General Scheuch succeeds, but put under War Minister on August 22.
Britain: Prime Minister speech on shipping losses, appeals for canal use instead of railways.

Western Front

Flanders – Battle of Langemarck (until August 18): British advance on 9-mile front north of Ypres-Menin road, capture Langemarck and cross river Steenbeek. Furious German counter-attacks only push back British line a short distance, though depleted 16th Irish and 36th Ulster Divisions driven back to start. French marine battalion captures Drie Grachten bridgehead on Yser canal.
Aisne: French advance on Craonne Plateau.
Meuse­: Germans capture some trenches on east bank, but French recapture on August 18.

Eastern Front

Russia: Kornilov sees Kerensky in Petrograd (until August 17 and on August 23) but latter demurs over military powers.
Rumania: Mackensen takes Baltareta bridgehead on Sereth but held up in Okna and Susitza valleys.

Air War

Ypres: Weather hampers Royal Flying Corps effort for Battle of Langemarck, 22 air combats cost 3 German aircraft; 9 German airfields attacked.

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