Diary August 19, 1916

Destroyers of German High Seas Fleet
Destroyers of German High Seas Fleet in the North Sea.
Diary for Saturday, August 19, 1916:

Sea War

North Sea: British Grand Fleet cruisers Nottingham and Falmouth (3 hits each) sunk in actions between 0557 hours and noon (August 20) by U52, U63 and U66, forcing Jellicoe’s 29 battleships northward during fleet moves that bring Beatty (6 battlecruis­ers) 42 miles north of Scheer before latter turns for home. Harwich Force (5 cruisers and 20 destroyers) shadows but not able to make night torpedo attack as Jellicoe wanted.

Western Front

Battle of the Somme: German counter­-attack until August 20. British advance to Thiepval Ridge.

Air War

Western Front: Since March 19 Esc 3 of French Cigognes (Stork) Group (Brocard) has scored 39 confirmed victories and 26 probable in 338 air combats over Verdun and Somme.

Home Fronts

Germany: Ruhr coal miners strike against food shortages and inflation (until around August 28).

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