Diary August 5, 1917

Turkish light artillery
Turkish light artillery on the Caucasian Front.
World War One Diary for Sunday, August 5, 1917:

Middle East

Armenia: Russian troops being withdrawn to Europe acroos the Caucasus. In August British estimate 123,500 effective Russian infantry vs 64,000 Turks. Nihad Pasha takes over Turk Second Army for duration of war.
Palestine: German airman lands and damages pipeline near Salmana.
Arabia: Lawrence returns to Aqaba in RIMS Hardinge, restores Howeitat tribes’ loyalty with £1,000.

Sea War

Mediterranean: French sloop Antares rams and damages U-39, sister sloop Aldebaran damages U-23 on August 8.

Air War

Britain: Brigade-General Ashmore made commander new London Air Defence Area, takes over on August 8.


Germany: Kuehlmann new German Foreign Minister.
Argentina: Government demands German indemnity for ship losses (agreed on August 28).

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