Home Fronts
Britain – GENERAL (THE ‘KHAKI’ OR ‘COUPON’) ELECTION, first since 1910 (results on December 28 to allow forces’ votes to be counted). Munitionette volunteers released. Soldiers released for civil work to return to units. Scheme for forces higher education and training announced.
Western Front
ARMISTICE RENEWED TILL JANUARY 17, 1919: Allies reserve right to occupy neutral zone on East bank of Rhine.
Eastern Front
Ukraine: Ukrainian Directory leftist-Ânationalists topple Skoropadski and proclaim People’s Republic at Kiev.
Belorussia: Soviet Belorussia united with RSFSR (until December 17).
Germany: Armistice renewed at Trier to January 17, 1919.
Britain: New US Ambassador arrives.
Rumania: Bratianu new Prime Minister and Foreign Minister.