Diary December 23, 1918

machine-gun group of Spartacists
An machine-gun group of Spartacists in street fighting.
World War One Diary for Monday, December 23, 1918:

Home Fronts

Germany: Spartacists and Marines seize Berlin Chancery but Government troops eject with 29 killed until December 24.

Western Front

Germany: Erzberger, head of German Armistice delegation, praises Foch’s ‘benevolent attitude’ in Interview in National Zeitung: ‘At first the Allies regarded the German Armistice commission with great and genuine distrust, but during the four weeks (sic) of the Armistice Marshal Foch, as he frankly admitted, convinced himself that we were honourably exerting ourselves to fulfill the conditions imposed, although he emphasised that not all conditions had been fulfilled…’, Foch declared ‘I understand that you have three things in particular at least, first, the provision of food supplies; second, bringing about the speediest possible peace; third, the German prisoners.’ Foch cannot yet discuss the PoW question. With reference to the two other matters, however, he I assumed a benevolent attitude’.

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