Diary December 24, 1943

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969), will become Republican President of USA from 1953-1961.
WW2 War Diary for Friday, December 24, 1943:

Home Fronts

USA: ROOSEVELT NAMES ALLIED COMMANDERS FOR INVASION OF EUROPE. General Eisenhower, Supreme Commander; ACM Tedder, Deputy Supreme Commander; Admiral Ramsay, Naval C-in-C; General Montgomery, C-in-C British armies (under Eisenhower).

Air War

Western Europe: 672 B-17 Fortress bombers drop 1,400 t bombs on 24 V-1 launching sites.
Germany: 338 RAF bombers attacking Berlin and dropping 1,288t of bombs.

Eastern Front

Southern Sector: Russian 1st UF breaks out of Kiev bridgehead and begins reconquest of Western Ukraine.

Sea War

Atlantic – Operation Bernau: 6 German destroyers and 6 torpedo boats and Ju 88s escort blockade-runner Osorno into Gironde Estuary and repel Allied air attacks; but ship hits wreck and has to be beached.

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