Sea War
BATTLE OF NORTH CAPE: Series of miscalculations by Admiral Bey of battlecruiser Scharnhorst, during sortie against a arctic convoy leads him into British trap. Scharnhorst attempts to escape in darkness but is torpedoed by 4 destroyers and crippled by battleship Duke of York. 36 survivors out of 1,970 crew. 2 British ships damaged.
Atlantic – Operation Trave: German destroyer-torpedo boat force despatched to escort blockade-runner Alsterufer, but she is sunk before the rendezvous. The escorts then attack British cruisers Enterprise and Glasgow; British sink Z-27 and 2 torpedo boats.
Pacific: Americans land at Cape Gloucester (New Britain).
Home Fronts
Germany: Colonel Count von Stauffenberg prepares to assassinate Hitler at staff conference, but the Fuehrer changes his plans.