African Fronts
East Africa: Portugese invested at Newala, Marumba and Majembi but escape over river Rovuma to Nangedi which Germans occupy between December 8-20.
Eastern Front
Rumania: Colonel NortonÂ-Griffiths, Military Police, sabotages Ploesti oilfields (827,000t petrol lost) as Falkenhayn’s Group Morgen approaches and occupies on December 6.
Middle East
Arabia: Turks retake Qunfideh on coast south of Mecca and drive Feisal back to Yanbo where Lawrence soon arrives.
Home Fronts
Germany: Hindenburg Auxiliary Service law, all males from 17-60 years liable.
BritainÂ: Asquith resigns. King asks Bonar Law to form government but Asquith twice refuses to serve under him so Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister.
Barnbow National Shell Filling factory (near Leeds) explosion kills 35 munitionettes.