Diary February 1, 1915

Coupons for the German population
Coupons for the German population. Although 1914 the grain harvest was covered for about 90 per-cent of the consumption, but until 1917 it dropped to 50 per-cent. Of the vegetable fats, 5/6 had to be imported but this was mpossible because of the British blockade.
Diary for Monday, February 1, 1915

Home Fronts

Germany: ­Chancellor agrees to unre­stricted U-boat war advocated by Chief of Naval Staff Pohl.
Bread and flour ra­tioning in Berlin, 4.14lb (1.88 kg) per week (nationally from June) where War Board for metal industry set up.
Austria: During February ‘Metal Central Ltd’ formed to requisition scrap.
Britain: End of industrial truce (47 strikes with 209,000 working days lost in February). 15.6% of workforce now enlisted. 126,000t per day seaborne coal now by rail.

Western Front

French artillery uses in early February the first sound-ranging sets (BEF experiments with them in Ypres sector in October 1915).
Flanders: British 2nd Division storms trenches near Cuinchy.
Champagne – Third Battle of Perthes: German attack repulsed until February 3.

Eastern Front

Poland: Mackensen’s 100,000-strong Ninth Army at­tacks at Bolimow, takes 3 vil­lages in 6-mile advance but Siberian and other reserves (total 3 divisions) retake them and stabilize front until February 6. German losses 20,000 men, Russian 40,000.
Carpathians: Brusilov advances from Dukla Pass to Upper San; Russians evacuate Tucholka and Beskid Passes, advance near Uzsok Pass until February 3.

African Fronts

Uganda and Congo: Anglo-Belgian agreement on Uganda-Congo border. Brigadier Malleson opens military talks at Ruchuru on February 14.
Cyrenaica: During February Nuri Pasha (Enver Pasha’s half-brother) smuggled in from Syria to aid Senussi.

Sea War

Britain: British Admiralty bans neutral fishing boats from ports, due to erroneous Grand Fleet fear that they are mine laying. During February Scapa Flow becomes boom defenses.
Arctic: During February the old Royal Navy pre-dreadnought Jupiter arrives at Archangel at record early date to serve as icebreaker until May.

Air War

Western Front: During February future top French and Allied ace Fonck posted to Saint-Cyr for aviation training. French introduce Dorand bombsight.
Turkey: German military mis­sion sent to Constantinople to reorganize Turk Army air corps.
Eastern Front: Russian heavy bombers first equipped with defensive armament, which will be progressively increased.


Bulgaria: Due de Guise in Sofia to persuade Tsar Ferdi­nand to join Allies.


USA: By now US Army using films for training.

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