Middle East
Armenia: Yudenich captures Erzerum, many Arabs desert Turks, who have lost 15,000 men including 5,000 PoWs and 327 guns against 9,000 Russian losses (4,000 frostbite).
Mesopotamia: British War Office takes control of operations from India office.
Persia: Goltz reports gloomily on prospects.
Egypt: Arab Bureau starts weekly Arab Bulletin.
Western Front
Champagne: German gas attack in Reims sector.
Argonne: Mine warfare.
Eastern Front
Hoffmann diary: ‘I have recently spoken to hundreds of men on the fronts of 3 armies’.
Southern Fronts
Greece: Montenegrin troops land in Corfu.
Home Fronts
Britain: Severe Commons criticism of Governments anti-Zeppelin measures. Shipping debate following day.