Diary February 2, 1916

'Mother', the prototype for the British tanks, on a test run
‘Mother’, the prototype for the British tanks, on a test run. It was made of boiler-plate and can be recognised by its rivets, which are more closely spaced than on production tanks.
Diary for Wednesday, February 2, 1916:

Secret War

Britain: Kitchener calls ‘Mother’ tank ‘a pretty mechanical toy’ on seeing trials with Lloyd George, but reports to War committee following day that ‘impressed’. King has a ride with it on February 8. Scientists committee to promote war science formed.

African Fronts

East Africa: Northern Jubaland tribe take Serenli border post (night Februray 2-3) causing c.95 casualties and 1 MG taken. Tribe dominates locally till post remanned in August 1917.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III