Sea War
Eastern Mediterranean: French cruiser Admiral Chamer (374 drowned, only 1 survivor) sunk in 4 minutes by U21 (Hersing) off Beirut, but otherwise she sinks only 1 steamer on this cruise.
Western Front
Artois: Germans attack west of La Folie – 700 yards of trenches taken. French partially recapture them on February 9-10.
Middle East
Persia: Russian general Baratov disperses 3000 gendarmes and Kurds at Nihavend, occupies DaulataÂbad, is ordered to occupy Kermanshah at once on February 13.
African Fronts
Southern Cameroons: French reach river Campo opposite Ngoa, cross and occupy it on February 10-11, occupy Banyassa on February 15.
Britain: Government gives France £18 millions credit in USA and requests Japan’s naval help.