Air War
Britain: 2 German seaplanes from Zeebrugge drop 13 bombs on Broadstairs and Ramsgate (3 wounded); 18 defending aircraft ascend.
Eastern Front
Pripet and Galicia: Severe fighting (and on February 13-14).
Southern Fronts
Albania: Serb evacuation (88,153 men) at Durazzo completed.
African Fronts
Lake Tanganyika: HM vessels Fiti and Mimi sink gunboat Hedwig von Wissmann, but Commander Spicer-Simson declines to engage 800t Graf von Götzen following day.
East Africa: first Royal Flying Corps flight arrives by 26th South African Squadron (8 BE2cs).
Sea War
Adria: Serb evacuation at Durazzo completed, 88,153 men
Britain: Japanese Government refuses the British request for major naval assistance in European waters.
Serbia: Government in-exile established at Corfu.
Italy: French Prime Minister Briand visits Italy (Âuntil February 14), agrees on Allied Paris Conference (February 12).
Bulgaria: Tsar Ferdinand at Austro-German GHOs (until February 14).