Sea War
British introduce depth charges; but only 2 per anti-submarine vessel, insufficient supply till June 1917. Royal Navy now has 35 paddle-minesweepers (24 more being built) plus 14 specialized sloops with Grand Fleet. New ‘Hunt’ class soon ordered (12 allocated to Grand Fleet, join it 1917).
Western Front
Vosges: German attacks at Rehbelsen recapture all ground lost on December 28 and advance south following day.
Flanders: 3rd Canadian Division formed.
Eastern Front
Russian strength 1,693,000 soldiers, of which 1,243,000 have rifles.
Baltic Provinces: InÂdecisive fighting throughout month.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: King Peter of Serbia reaches Salonika, Greece.
Middle East
Mesopotamia, Kut: First GerÂman plane seen (4 arrived at Baghdad a few days later).
East Persia: 1,140 British troops on cordon duty, drive back a German party on January 18.
Arabia: Sherif Hussein accepts the British alliance.
Egypt: Colonel Clayton forms Arab Bureau in Cairo.
African Fronts
Cameroons: British occupy Yaunde; nearly 15,000 Allied troops and 34 guns in German colony.
Morocco: Lyautey holds New Year reception at Rabat.
Air War
Britain: Future top of Royal Navy Air Service, Canadian Collishaw, joins RNAS in January.
Occupied countries
Serbia: Germans tell their occupation zone to Austrians and Bulgars.
Home Fronts
Austria: ‘The state of exÂhaustion here is already very great’ (Freud).
France: ÂIncome tax law takes effect.
Britain: Home Secretary Simon resigns because of conscription, Samuel succeeds on January 10.
During January MO5 beÂcomes MI5, Secret Service beÂcomes MI61c. Brigade-General Macdonogh becomes Director of Military Intelligence on January 3.
First series at Western Front films released. In January National committee for the Care of Soldiers’ Graves formed.
Germany: SPD repudiates Vorwärts for pacifism.