Britain: Feisal-Weizmann Agreement in London (T E Lawrence present) welcomes Jewish settlement in Palestine. 19,000 soldiers protest at Folkestone over slow demobilization, refuse to return to France from leave. Rutherford splits the atom at Manchester University.
Italy: US President Wilson arrives in Rome (sees Pope on January 4, at Milan on January 5 5).
France: Food Council under Hoover formed in Paris to feed Central Powers (asks for 20 million British Pounds on January 4, Congress votes on January 13).
Baltic States: Royal Navy squadron sails from Riga for Copenhagen and sails thence to Rosyth (January 10). Red Latvian Army occupies Riga and sets up Latvian SSR.
South Russia: Denikin’s Volunteer Army (25,000 men and 75 guns) splits typhus-ridden Red Eleventh Army (70,000 strong) in three (until January 10), takes 50,000 PoWs.