Air War
Germany – FIRST ALLIED DAYLIGHT BOMBING RAIDS ON BERLIN: 6 RAF Mosquito bombers (1 lost) attack in 2 waves – timed to interrupt broadcasts by Goering and Goebbels on tenth anniversary of Nazi regime.
H2S radar bombing equipment tested over Hamburg.
Home Fronts
Germany: Goering broadcasts (1 hour late) ‘if Germany collapsed . . . the Soviet would sweep through Europe . . . Every German must be prepared to give his life so that his race may live’.
Eastern Front
Caucasus: Maikop with its oil fields recaptured by Russians.
Tunisia: Germans expel French from Faid Passin the south.
The Adana Conference: Churchill and Alanbrooke confer with Turkish leaders (January 30-31) and promise direct military assistance if Turkey is forced into war. But they failed to press Turkey into the war.