Eastern Front
Stalingrad: Paulus surrenders at Univermag dept store; capitulation of German forces in south pocket.
Air War
Mediterranean: B-24 Liberators bomb Messina; many hits on ferry terminal (Straits of Messina) and heavy casualties, including Archbishop of Reggio.
Sea War
Atlantic: Karl Doenitz succeeds Admiral Raeder as C-in-C German Navy, with rank of Grand-Admiral.
Home Fronts
Italy: Marshal Cavallero, COGS, replaced by General Ambrosio.
Sea War
Merchant shipping losses in January 1943: 34 Allied ships with 204,626 tons in Atlantic, 16 Allied ships with 56,733 tons elsewhere.
34 Axis ships with 123,918 tons in Mediterranean, 34 Japanese ships with 158,885 tons in Pacific.
4 German U-boats sunk in the Atlantic, Arctic or Baltic (worldwide total of 6 losses), 22 new U-boats operational, 407 U-boats of all types total in service.