GERMAN FORCES ENTER PARIS. General von Bock, CO Army Group B, reviews victory parades in Place de la Concorde and at Arc de Triomphe. Germans capture intact Renault tank factory at Billancourt and Schneider-Creusot armament works. Only 700,000 people remain in city out of population of 5 Millions.
German Army Group C (24 divisions) attacks Maginot Line and prepares to cross the Rhine. Churchill orders immediate evacuation of all remaining British troops. French Government leaves Tours for Bordeaux.
Japanese High Command advises British, American, Russian and German Embassies to evacuate their nationals from Chungking to places of safety.
Spain: Spanish Moroccan troops occupy ‘International Zone’ of Tangiers (North Africa).
French Prime Minister Reynaud sends desperate appeal for help to President Roosevelt: if America does not declare war on Germany within a short time France is doomed.
Soviet Ultimatum to Lithuania.
Sea War
Mediterranean: Three Italian destroyers shell Sollum, Egypt.
Secret War
French and Polish ‘Enigma’ code breakers leave Paris. They fly from Toulouse to Algiers, June 24.