Diary June 16, 1918

Italian infantry in the Piave line
Italian infantry in the Piave line, which is virtually flat flood plain where the shallow trenches often became waterlogged.
World War One Diary for Sunday, June 16, 1918:

Southern Fronts

Piave: British 48th Division (922 casualties) after 4 counter-attacks has taken 728 PoWs and buried 576 Austrian soldiers. In Mt Grappa sector Italian Fourth Army restores its line except for 2 peaks, releasing 200 Italian PoWs and c.12 guns. Austrian Army Group Conrad losses 35,026 soldiers. Italian Eighth and Third Army counter­-attacks recover some ground including 4 villages south of the Piave. Heavy rain, Italian and RAF attacks and lack of bridging equipment (due to shortage of horses) hinder river crossings.

Middle East

Azerbaijan: Armenians capture Karamarian (120 miles west of Baku) but fail to advance farther south.
South Persia­ – Action of Ahmadabad (west of Shiraz): British spoiling attack inflicts 500 casualties on 3,200 tribesmen; Shiraz crisis over by June 21.


Mozambique: Lettow’s main body enters Alto Molocque (220 miles west of Mozambique), captures 75,000lb food and valuable maps.
Morocco: French Oued­-Inouen line repulses repeated tribal attacks.

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