Eastern Front
Russia: STAVKA Conference at Kholm, armies 500,000 under strength, sanctions fighting retreat. Russians announce 120,000 enemy losses on Dniester in last month, claim 40,000 PoWs.
Western Front
Artois: Fond De Suval (north of Arras) captured by French.
Alsace: Germans burn and evacuate Metzeral.
Southern Fronts
Isonzo: Italian 3rd Division captures Hill 383 on river Isonzo after attacks since June 10, but 2,093 casualties.
USA: League to Enforce Peace organized.
Home Fronts
Turkey: Djevdet Bey massacres Armenian Nestorian and Jacobite Christians at Sirt, south of Bitlis, whose 15,000 Armenians he murders (until June 25).
Britain: Food Home Production Committees established. Royal Society makes November 1914 advisory science council into War Committee (150 staff), gas and trench warfare emphasis.