GERMANY DECLARES WAR ON USSR. ITALY AND RUMANIA DECLARE WAR ON USSR. Churchill pledges British material and moral support for USSR.
Eastern Front
GERMAN INVASION OF RUSSIA (Operation Barbarossa) along 2,900 km front from Baltic to Black Sea. 3 Army Groups, comprising 120 divisions (including 17 Panzer and 12 motorised) with 3,200 tanks; 1,945 aircraft; miscellaneous naval units (including minelayers and 5 U-boats).
see also:
Operation Barbarossa
German Orders of Battle
Red Army in June 1941
Air War
Devastating German air strikes on 66 Russian airfields along entire front: 1,800 planes destroyed – 1,500 on the ground, 300 in air combat; Germans lose 35 aircraft. Russian bombers attack Constanta, Rumania (first of 38 raids, June 22-30).
see also:
Red Air Force and Navy
Home Fronts
Russia: General mobilization; martial law proclaimed.
Sea War
Atlantic: U-48 returns to Kiel after her twelfth and last war cruise. Total sinkings: 54 merchant ships of 322,000 t. and sloop Dundee.