African Fronts
East Africa: British Lake Force (2,000 soldiers, Crewe GOC since June 17) advances south from river Kagera and via Lake Victoria. Major-General Gill and part of 3,000-strong Portuguese Expeditionary Force land (until September 6) at Lourenco Marques.
Western Front
British reconnaissance raids from La Bassee canal to Somme line.
Southern Fronts
Trentino: Italians resume pursuit too slowly.
CarniaÂ: Italian XII Corps ‘rectification operations’ (until June 29) cost 3,662 casualties.
Middle East
Arab Revolt: Fakhri Pasha sorties from Medina, massacres Arab suburb; Feisal blockades at distance.
Air War
Western Front: 157 active German batteries reported by Royal Flying Corps.
Austria: A letter from the ambassador in Berlin says ‘Monarchy can no longer survive the war’.
Greece: King signs demobilization decree
Secret WarÂ
German Hentig enters Chinese Turkestan, escapes Russian cordon.