France – Peace Process: China says she will not sign Treaty due to Shantung clauses. Germany accepts final protocol.
Next day, Saturday, June 28 (exactly 5 years after SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo):
Its 75,000 words, 200 pages, 440 clauses are signed at 15:50 hours during the 9th Plenary Session in Hall of Mirrors, Versailles. New German Foreign Minister H Mueller and Empire Minister Dr Bell sign for Germany. League of Nations Covenant Part I signed. Anglo-French-US Defensive Treaty signed, also Allied Poland Minorities Treaty and Rhineland Military Occupation Agreement.
Marshall Foch comments at his HQ at Kreuznach ‘This is not peace, it is an armistice for 20 years’.