Eastern Front
Galicia: Heavy artillery action, German reply includes gas. Commander Locker-Lampson sees Kerensky in Southwest Front HQ train ‘Prodigious effort speaking … and making up by personality for … discipline had worn him out’.
Western Front
France: General Anthoine in command of French First Army in Flanders delivers signal from Petain to Haig: ‘The [BEF] offensive in Flanders must be an unqualified success particularly because of the present state of [French] morale.’
Germany: Ludendorff only now learns of French mutinies when worst is over.
Southern Front
Trentino: Italian Sixth Army losses (since June 10) 23,736 (including 12,735 Alpini); Austrian 8828 soldiers. ‘Ortigara Tragedy’ demoralÂizes Italian line troops.
Salonika: British 60th Division sails for Egypt. French have to force some of 2,500 Russians after leave at Athens to reÂembark for Salonika.
Sea War
Allied and neutral shipping losses 286 ships at 674,458t (U-boat official history figure 696,725t including 164,299t in Mediterranean); 2 U-boats lost, 8 commissioned (record 61 U-boats at sea during June).
Shipping forecasts for Controller Sir J Maclay indicate not enough British shipping for import of necessities by December 1 if 300,000t per month lost, but neutral shipping entrances only 20% down on normal thanks to US war entry and much diplomacy. British merchant fleet has lost 2 1/4 million tons not 3 1/2 million tons German Admiral Holtzendorff hoped.
North Sea: During June Royal Navy lay 1,120 mines in southern half.
USA: Shipping Board recruits 41,977 officers and sailors (until June 30, 1920).
Greece: New Government severs relations with Central Powers.