Diary June 8, 1917

German PoW
A German PoW captured in the successful battle of the Messines Ridge.
World War One Diary for Friday, June 8, 1917:

Western Front

France: Foch meets CIGS Robertson at Abbeville. Petain given right to order immediate executions, only orders 7 until July 13. Wilson tells British War Cabinet offensive necessary to keep France in war.
Flanders­: British repulse counter-attacks east of Messines Ridge; advance on July 10. Germans withdraw to new line running through Warneton (July 11).
Artois: 6 Canadian battalions (709 casualties) make powerful raid west of Avion, bomb over 150 dugouts and inflict over 836 casualties (including 136 PoWs) in night June 8-9.

Southern Fronts

Greece: Without informing the Allies, Italian troops from Albania occupy Jannina in Epirus and port of Preveza (June 10).


Britain: Lloyd George argues for separate peace with Austria, war policy committee set up.

Occupied Territories

Poland: Austro­-German Emperors agree that Germany to control Polish forces. In June Warsaw University shut due to students’ strike.

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