Air War
France: Only Royal Flying Corps Martinsyde G.100 (nicknamed the Elephant) unit arrives, No 27 Squadron.
Britain: Two hit-and-run raids on East Kent coastal towns by German floatplanes. 7 sorties, 3 FTR of which 2 shot down by British aircraft, 41 casualties by 55 bombs, 100 houses damaged.
MesopotaÂmia: 3 German aircraft drop 50 bombs on Kut, hitting hospital (26 casualties).
Western Front
Verdun: Whole front under violent German bombardment 0900-1700 hours. Both sides consoliÂdate. Visit by French President Poincare.
Eastern Front
Russia: During March Dr Daniel Gardner in PetÂrograd arranges supply of British gas shells. STAVKA issues first general trench warfare regulations.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: During March Falkenhayn begins to withdraw German 103rd Division and Alpenkorps, leaving only 101st Division (reducing to cadre) to bolster Bulgars against Salonika.
Middle East
Armenia: First of 4 divisions of Turk SecÂond Army (Ahmed Izzet Pasha) from Gallipoli arrive at Diyarbekir. During March Ferid Vehib Pasha replaces Mahmud Kamil Pasha in command of Turk Third Army (until June 1918).
Syria: In March Feisal watches Turk propaganda film with Djemal in Damacus.
Mesopotamia, ÂKut: Shelling by 22 Turk guns cause 37 casualties to British garrison.
African Fronts
Sudan: Sultan of Darfur rebels against British.
Cyrenaica: During March Senussi leader Ahmed’s brother MuÂhammed Hilal joins Italians at Tobruk and helps pacification for food.
Sea War
Germany: Navy has now 52 U-boats (20 in Flanders Flotilla, 12 in Mediterranean, 4 in Baltic).
Britain: In March first submarine fitted with hydroÂphones, probably B3 fixed unit on each bow, able to get sound bearings within 2° in Firth of Forth trials.
From March on all ships over 500t trading to and from Britain need a licence.
Baltic: Russia begins large-scale minelaying operations (German Fleet follows suit April).
Mediterranean: U68 sinks sloop HMS Primula.
North Sea: During March first of 5 R-class 15-inch-gun battleships, Revenge, joins Grand Fleet. Two follow in May, one in December, last in September 1917.
Secret War
Greece: In March MI5 report favourably on ‘Z’ (Compton Mackenzie), promoted Captain and monthly funds quadrupled.
Home Fronts
Britain: At March Retail Food Price up 2% to 49%. War Savings Guildhall national meeting.
India: Budget raises duties and income tax by half or more.