Diary March 1, 1916

Martinsyde 'Elephant
A Martinsyde ‘Elephant’, one of the most successful machines of 1916-17.
Diary for Wednesday, March 1, 1916:

Air War

France: Only Royal Flying Corps Martinsyde G.100 (nicknamed the Elephant) unit arrives, No 27 Squadron.
Britain: Two hit-and-run raids on East Kent coastal towns by German floatplanes. 7 sorties, 3 FTR of which 2 shot down by British aircraft, 41 casualties by 55 bombs, 100 houses damaged.
Mesopota­mia: 3 German aircraft drop 50 bombs on Kut, hitting hospital (26 casualties).

Western Front

Verdun: Whole front under violent German bombardment 0900-1700 hours. Both sides consoli­date. Visit by French President Poincare.

Eastern Front

Russia: During March Dr Daniel Gardner in Pet­rograd arranges supply of British gas shells. STAVKA issues first general trench warfare regulations.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: During March Falkenhayn begins to withdraw German 103rd Division and Alpenkorps, leaving only 101st Division (reducing to cadre) to bolster Bulgars against Salonika.

Middle East

Armenia: First of 4 divisions of Turk Sec­ond Army (Ahmed Izzet Pasha) from Gallipoli arrive at Diyarbekir. During March Ferid Vehib Pasha replaces Mahmud Kamil Pasha in command of Turk Third Army (until June 1918).
Syria: In March Feisal watches Turk propaganda film with Djemal in Damacus.
Mesopotamia, ­Kut: Shelling by 22 Turk guns cause 37 casualties to British garrison.

African Fronts

Sudan: Sultan of Darfur rebels against British.
Cyrenaica: During March Senussi leader Ahmed’s brother Mu­hammed Hilal joins Italians at Tobruk and helps pacification for food.

Sea War

Germany: Navy has now 52 U-boats (20 in Flanders Flotilla, 12 in Mediterranean, 4 in Baltic).
Britain: In March first submarine fitted with hydro­phones, probably B3 fixed unit on each bow, able to get sound bearings within 2° in Firth of Forth trials.
From March on all ships over 500t trading to and from Britain need a licence.
Baltic: Russia begins large-scale minelaying operations (German Fleet follows suit April).
Mediterranean: U68 sinks sloop HMS Primula.
North Sea: During March first of 5 R-class 15-inch-gun battleships, Revenge, joins Grand Fleet. Two follow in May, one in December, last in September 1917.

Secret War

Greece: In March MI5 report favourably on ‘Z’ (Compton Mackenzie), promoted Captain and monthly funds quadrupled.

Home Fronts

Britain: At March Retail Food Price up 2% to 49%. War Savings Guildhall national meeting.
India: Budget raises duties and income tax by half or more.

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