USA: 14-inch-gun battleship Nevada completed, she and her sister ship Oklahoma (finished May 2) have heavy deck armour and centralized fire control. Larger Pennsylvania and Arizona follow on June 12 resp. October 17.
Southern Fronts
Italian Front: Fifth Battle of the Isonzo (until March 15-16) begun to help French at Verdun with 7 corps and 2 Alpini groups, but snow and rain a handicap that ends it prematurely.
Middle East
Mesopotamia: Gorringe replaces Aylmer as GOC Tigris Corps.
African Fronts
East Africa: Tighe’s British 2nd Division (270 casualties) takes Latema Nek (al Kilimanjaro, until March 12) from Major Kraut’s 1,000 men (123+ casualties).
Denmark: Scandinavian kings reaffirm neutrality at Copenhagen.