Western Front
Flanders: British 17th Division retake positions lost on February 14 north of Ypres-Comines Canal. BEF Fourth Army relieve French Tenth Army (15-mile LoosÂ-Ransart sector). British 12th Division engaged at Hohenzollern Craters (until March 18).
VerdunÂ: German bombardment north of city. Street fighting in Douaumont. French repulse attack on Vaux (Captain de Gaulle, the leader of the Free-French in WW2 and there after president of France, wounded and captured).
Eastern Front
Russia: Joffre requests Russian offensive to relieve pressure on Verdun.
Sea War
Mediterranean: Allied Malta Conference (until March 7) reduces 18 patrol zones to 11. Italian delegate admits their 4 zones need 76 patrol craft (50 available).
Rumania: Death of Dowager Q Elizabeth (writer ‘Carmen Sylva‘), aged 72.
Home Fronts
Britain: All single men of 18-41 liable for call up; Lord Derby criticizes exemptions, women must replace men at home. Royal Commission on VD (venereal diseases) Final Report obtains free treatment for the 10% urban population infected.