Diary March 3, 1918

 treaty of Best-Litovsk
Signature of the peace treaty of Best-Litovsk.
World War One Diary for Sunday, March 3, 1918:

Eastern Front

RUSSO-GERMAN PEACE OF BREST-LlTOVSK: Russia renounces Baltic States, Poland, Belorussia, Finland and three Armenian districts to Turkey; 630,000 Austrian PoWs to come home.
Southern Russia: Terek Cossack Soviet Republic declared.
Finland: Red Guard offensive fixed for March 9.
Estonia: German Eighth Army occupies Narva (c.85 miles west of Petrograd) after routing 1,600 Red Guards and sailors, have captured 17,000 Russians and 1500 guns for 109 casualties since February 18. Hoffmann orders advance to halt except in the Ukraine.

Sea War

Russia: Central Powers’ Diktat at Brest­ Litovsk strips Russia of all Baltic naval bases except Kronstadt; also Odessa and Nikolayev stipulates disarmament and detention of Russian warships in these ports pending general peace.
North Sea: First mine of Northern Barrage laid in Area B up to 50 miles from Orkney.

Home Fronts

Germany: R Goering’s play Seeschlacht (Sea Battle) opens at Berlin. Kaiser orders flags in every city and day off school to celebrate peace with Russia.
Turkey­: Muslims of Samsun massacre all Armenians.

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