Germany: King Boris of Bulgaria confers with Hitler.
Sea War
Pacific: 9 Japanese ships sunk by US submarine Wahoo during March.
Merchant shipping losses in March 1943: 92 Allied ships with 538,695 tons in Atlantic, 28 Allied ships with 154,694 tons elsewhere.
31 Axis ships with 96,763 tons in Mediterranean, 37 Japanese ships with 147,540 tons in Pacific.
13 German U-boats sunk in the Atlantic, Arctic or Baltic (worldwide total of 17 losses), 26 new U-boats operational, 412 U-boats of all types total in service.
Air War
Germany: 29-year-old Major-General Peltz, Stuka ‘ace’ and tactician, appointed Angriffsfuehrer England (‘Attack Leader England’) in attempt to revitalize the flagging Luftwaffe offensive against the UK.