Western Front
Verdun – German attacks on both banks of the Meuse: small gains at Vaux village and on the Mort Homme. Petain demands uninterrupted supply of reinforcements, gets 7 fresh divisions (March 10-31).
Eastern Front
Galicia: German attack at Cebrow repulsed.
Middle East
Salonika: Falkenhayn orders Gallwitz to drop offensive plans and hold defensive line around Lake Doiran and in Vardar valley.
GERMANY DECLARES WAR ON PORTUGAL (AUSTRIA on March 15) because of ships’ release refused.
see also: Portuguese Army
USA: Pancho Villa night raids Columbus, New Mexico, with 500 men (100 casualties) and killing 17 Americans.
Home Fronts
Britain: Air war debate in House of Lords urges Air Board, more powerful planes and AA guns required.