Diary May 10, 1941

Rudolf Hess
Rudolf Hess, since 1933 deputy Fuhrer and planned successor of Adolf Hitler. He was dreaming about a peace between Germany and Britian. In Nuremburg he was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1946.
Diary for Wednesday, May 10, 1941:


HESS FLIES TO BRITAIN: Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer of Germany, makes unauthorized solo flight in Me 110 fighter from Augsburg (South Germany) to Petersfield near Glasgow, to arrange peace talks. He parachutes from his damaged plane and is taken into custody (night May 10-11). Hess is detained for the duration of the war.

Air War

Britain – MASSIVE NIGHT RAID ON LONDON (climax of ‘Blitz‘): 507 German bomber sorties (8 aircraft lost); 795 t. bombs dropped, 2,200 serious fires from Hammersmith to Romford, hundreds of streets blocked; rail traffic virtually halted; House of Commons and Westminster Abbey badly damaged.
Germany: Heavy RAF night raid on Hamburg (5 aircraft lost).

Home Front

Britain – War Cup Final (soccer): Arsenal and Preston North End draw 1-1 at Wembley (Preston win replay at Blackburn, May 31, by 2 goals to 1).

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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