Air War
Germany – THE DAMBUSTERS RAID (Operation Chastise): 19 Lancaster special bombers (8 lost) breach Mohne and Eder Dams in the Ruhr, using ‘bouncing bombs’. Wing-Commander Guy Gibson leads specially formed No 617 Squadron, RAF.
Tunisia: General Alexander informs Churchill ‘Sir, it is my duty to report that the Tunisian Campaign is over.’
Air War
Britain: Thousands of leaflets containing names of 412 British ships claimed as sunk since June 1941, dropped over northeast England.
Sea War
Atlantic: 4 U-boat wolf-packs attack 5 convoys (May 16-23) but sink only 1 ship (9 U-boats lost; 4 damaged).
Occupied Territories
Holland: Germans confiscate all wireless sets in Holland.
Poland: Only 8 buildings left standing in Warsaw Ghetto; SS troops dynamite Tlomacki Synagogue.