Diary May 17, 1916

Italian soldiers killed by Austro-Hungarian artillery fire
Italian soldiers killed by Austro-Hungarian artillery fire in the Trentino.
Diary for Wednesday, May 17, 1916:

Southern Fronts

Trentino: Austrians claim 6,300 PoWs. Tyrol Kaiserjager capture Mts Maggio and Sima di Campulozzo.
Salonika: British War Committee rejects Macedonian offensive.

Western Front

Russia: By now 103,000 of Brusilov’s men have seen the British propaganda film Britain Prepared; Tsar views it at STAVKA.

Middle East

Mesopotamia: Kut garrison humiliated through Baghdad (US consul gives money and gets 500 hospitalized), entrained on May 19 just to Samarra, reach Tekrit on May 23 where stoned.
South Persia: Sykes’ 638 troops leave Bandar Abbas for Kerman.

African Fronts

East Africa: Germans blow up Uganda Railway near Mackinnon Road.

Sea War

Baltic: Russian submarine Volk sinks 3 German steamers off Sweden, greatest such Russian success until 1945.
3 British and 2 Russian submarines begin patrols on May 25: Royal Navy E18 blows bows off German destroyer V100 (12 killed) 30 miles from Libau (May 26), but is lost (May 28 or later) either to mine or German decoy ship K. Tsar breaks Russian rules to award Commander Halahan and crew posthu­mously.

Air War

Western Front: German bombing raid on Luxeuil-les-Bains; 10 American casualties.
Britain: Air Board established under Lord Curzon to organize and co-ordinate supply of materiel (airframes, engines, compo­nents) to Royal Flying Corps and Royal Navy Air Service.


USA: Wilson Washington speech, US may be forced to intervene, in any case must have said at peace settlement.

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