Middle East
Gallipoli: 17,356 Anzac troops repel 40,000 Turks.
Armenia: Nikolayev enters Van, relieving Armenians who received Tsar’s thanks.
Western Front
Flanders: Virtual stalemate at Festubert as 1st Canadian Division reÂenters line to replace British 1st and 7th Divisions.
Eastern Front
Galicia: Mackensen crushes Radymno salient west of San, shells Przemysl next day while 3 new Russian corps counterattack Austrian Fourth Army.
Sea War
Adriatic: 4 Austrian U-boats with cruisers and destroyers at sea to prevent Italian surprise attack.
Air War
Gallipoli: Forewarned by RNAS reconnaissance planes, Anzac’s repel fanatical Turk counter-attacks.
Home Fronts
Britain: Asquith announces impending Coalition Government.
Recruiting age raised to 40, height reduced to 5ft 2in (1.57 m).