Western Front
Verdun: Gallwitz’s 5 German divisions assault Mort Homme, seize the top summit of Hill 295.
Eastern Front
Russia: Italy appeals to STAVKA for diversionary Russian offensive, culminates in King’s telegram from May 22 to Tsar.
Southern Fronts
Trentino: Cadorna orders First Army to fight to last man, meets the two Isonzo army commanders at Udine and agrees measures for evacuation if Austrians reach plains behind them. Trentino 2nd line to be abandoned in favour of stronger 3rd line. Austrian III Corps attacks Italian 34th Division, takes Cima di Leva.
Secret War
Austrians intercept Italian radio signals about counterattack, by 0400 hours following day and deploy to check it.
Middle East
Armenia: Cossacks capture dissident Kurd major (near Kigi) with Turk Second Army plan.
Air War
Western Front: 18 inconclusive Anglo-German air combats.
Home Fronts
Montenegro: Prime Ministers Miuskovic open letter accuses King of treason; Prime Minister resigns, Radovic succeeds.