Western Front
Britain: BEF Tank Corps Lieutenant-Colonel JFC Fuller writes ‘Plan 1919’ for Allied tank (4,992 requested) and allÂvehicle breakthrough on broad front. Haig receives revised version July 21. Foch agrees in principle August 6.
Flanders: ÂGas shelling of British at Nieppe forest (Arnnentieres).
Aisne: 12 tanks from German lines unable to cross French ‘Bardooelles Trench’.
Eastern Front
Northern Russia: Major-General Poole lands at Murmansk to organize North Russia Expedition Force, and cruiser USS Olympia joins Royal Navy squadron there.
Air War
Germany: Thyssen blast furnaces and iron/steel works Hagendingen attacked by 8 DH9s of No 99 Squadron (which shoot down 1 fighter).