Diary November 11, 1916

British 18-pdr field guns deployed
British 18-pdr field guns deployed in remarkably open fire positions at the Somme.
World War One Diary for Saturday, November 11, 1916:

Western Front

Battle of the SommeBattle of the Ancre Heights ends: British artillery preparation begins, British infantry capture Farmers Road near Regina Trench.

Eastern Front

Transylvania – Second Battle of Tirgu Jiu (until November 18): in Group Kuehn’s attack Lieutenant Rommel’s Wuerttemberg Mountain Company captures Mt Lescului (3,937 ft) and descends to plain on November 12.

Air War

Middle East: 6 RFC aircraft apiece raid Maghdaba (100 miles east of Ismailia) and Beersheba. German aircraft bombs Cairo (and on November 13 with 39 casualties) and Suez (November 17) but little damage.

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