Southern Fronts
Hungary: Government signs final Central Powers’ armistice at Belgrade, Field Marshal Misic and General Henrys sign for Allies. French Army of Hungary formed (until September 10, 1919).
Austria: Italians and Serbs occupy Fiume, Serbs withdraw on November 19; US 2nd Batallion, 332nd Infantry Division and British battalion arrive from Venice to keep peace on November 26.
BulgariaÂ: Italian 35th Division reaches Kustendil to be main Allied occupation force (until July 1919) and rescues Italian PoWs from old Austrian Empire.
Western Front
Germany: German troops begin retreating passing through Dutch Limburg.
Eastern Front
USSR: Soviet Central Executive Committee repudiates Brest-ÂLitovsk Treaty.
Baltic States: Britain decides to supply arms.
Finland: ÂDictator Svinhufvud resigns.
Middle East
Turkey: Allied Fleet arrives at Constantinople (landing parties on November 14) as does Kemal, who says ‘They will go as they have come’. Liman meets General Curry in Pera suburb.
Rhodesia: Lettow advances from Kasama for Chambezi ferry and depot, cycles ahead to select camp site when told by Muller of Armistice after British motorcyclist captured in Kasama. KAR meet German white flag at 1442 hours, 4 miles north of Kasama. Lettow receives Deventer unconditional surrender cable about midnight, orders march north to Abercorn.
Sea War
North Sea: German cruiser Koenigsberg sails with RearÂ-Admiral Meurer and 4 other plenipotentiary officers, representing Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Council of the Fleet, to meet British Admiralty.
USA: Wilson conditionally promises food to Germany.
Germany: King of Saxony renounces the throne.
Hungary: Government signs separate armistice at Belgrade. HungaryÂ-Rumanian talks in Arad over Transylvania (until November 15).
Holland: ÂAmsterdam disturbances, German troops retreat through Limburg.
Home Fronts
Germany: New Cabinet published. Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar and Prince Leopold of Lippe abdicate. Republics declared in Wurttemberg and Prussia.
Britain: Lloyd George addresses Government-Employers TU Conference on prewar restrictions restoration. John Buchan made Information Ministry liquidator (it and Crewe House formally closed on December 31).
Austria: Hungarian delegation fail to get Emperor Charles to abdicate as King of Hungary.