Diary November 15, 1918

 Londoners celebrated the end of the war
The picture shows how the Londoners celebrated the end of the war.
World War One Diary for Friday, November 15, 1918:

Western Front

Inter-Allied Armistice Commis­sion (IMC) assembles at Spa. General Plumer makes formal entry into Mons. First 2 trainloads of Allied PoWs (1,000 men) reach Calais from Germany.

Eastern Front

Don: Cossacks withdraw south.
Estonia: Diet declares independence.

Sea War

North Sea: Beatty receives Meurer aboard his flagship Queen Elizabeth at Rosyth in Firth of Forth for first of four meetings.
Eastern Mediterranean – last French warship loss: destroyer Carabinier scuttled under Turk fire after being stranded off Latakieh, Syria.

Home Fronts

Germany: Prussian Upper House abolished.
Britain: Sir E Geddes to coordinate demobilization on Smuts’ resignation from War Cabinet. Meat rations to be doubled for Christmas. War Savings Certificates to be permanent.
USA: War Secretary Baker issues first demobilization order. Censorship Board abolished.

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