Western Front
Inter-Allied Armistice CommisÂsion (IMC) assembles at Spa. General Plumer makes formal entry into Mons. First 2 trainloads of Allied PoWs (1,000 men) reach Calais from Germany.
Eastern Front
Don: Cossacks withdraw south.
Estonia: Diet declares independence.
Sea War
North Sea: Beatty receives Meurer aboard his flagship Queen Elizabeth at Rosyth in Firth of Forth for first of four meetings.
Eastern Mediterranean – last French warship loss: destroyer Carabinier scuttled under Turk fire after being stranded off Latakieh, Syria.
Home Fronts
Germany: Prussian Upper House abolished.
Britain: Sir E Geddes to coordinate demobilization on Smuts’ resignation from War Cabinet. Meat rations to be doubled for Christmas. War Savings Certificates to be permanent.
USA: War Secretary Baker issues first demobilization order. Censorship Board abolished.