Southern Fronts
Serbia: Despite deep snow Serb Danube Division captures Hill 1378, Italians storm Ostretz Hill and two other features (until November 19), French ford river Viro and Russians capture three villages south of Monastir. Germans and Bulgar troops burn and evacuate it during night November 18-19 and retreat 4 miles.
Macedonia: 5,144 trained Greek troops now available with 5,184 animals.
Western Front
Battle of the Somme: Battle of the Ancre ends with 8 Tank Mk I participating. Existing tank companies expanded into battalions.
BATTLES OF THE SOMME END: In final attack, reluctantly allowed by Haig, 4th Canadian Division and part of 18th Division gain 1,000-yard deep bulge on front of 3 miles, but Grandcourt not reached by 32nd Division (commanding General relieved with two brigade commanders). German losses 45,000 men since November 1 (BEF Nov total 46,238).
Verdun: Joffre agrees to one more Nivelle attack; preparaÂtions including 16 miles of roads and 6 miles of light railway.
Home Fronts
Britain: Lloyd George tells Hankey that Somme offensive was ‘a bloody and disastrous failure’; not willing to stay in office if in 1917 repeated.